Thursday 7 March 2013

Old fashioned ice cream sandwich!!!

Don't you ever wish you could be a kid again and have all the fun that you did when you were small and not bother about a thing. Well if not, I guess you were a retarded kid.
Today this post is about a childhood favorite and a classic....Ice cream sandwiches! I guess we all are familiar with it and have grown up eating it. Since I work as a chef and in a deli, I thought you ought to have some childhood favorites like Mac n cheese, spaghetti meatballs, and others. So I thought why not ice cream sandwiches. And plus baby inspired me to make the classic since she liked it so much when I made her try the store bought classic...she fell in love with it and liked  it and I decided I will put this on the menu of the restaurant I work with.
I wanted to make this favorite in different flavors rather than the classic flavors; which I have eaten and was vanilla ice cream between two chocolate wafers. I decided to make three flavors for the patrons to choose from. I wanted to make one that would replicate a snicker bar. The other one was my favorite dessert I created and wanted to incorporate in to a sandwich and the third one was another combination I like; which was coconut, raspberry and chocolate. I decided to change the shape of the sandwiches from the classic, I opted for a rather round one than the rectangular ones you get at the store.
Caramel & salted peanut!!!!
I started with the first flavor. Made a caramel sauce and added some salted peanuts to it and also made a chocolate biscuit. I just grabbed some homemade vanilla ice cream and put them in the round mould. It was the chocolate base followed by the vanilla ice cream which was mixed with the salted peanuts and then some more caramel sauce followed by the biscuit. When guest would order, it will be rolled in crushed peanuts just to add another texture. I must say it was good and I was happy with final the product. Some people found it salty, but who cares, they just don't know what they want and what they are eating and also noticed not many people are a fan of sweet and salt when combined together! They need to improve on their palate. They have one like a cow’s backside!!!Hahaha!!!!
The second was the coconut and raspberry. It was quite a simple affair. The same one as above but with coconut ice cream and raspberry soft in the center  When one would bite into the sandwich the raspberry soft will flow out and you will get the sweetness from the coconut and the sourness from raspberry. It was good! Loved it too! The idea of the raspberry been as a soft center was given to me by my brother from another mother Manisha(For political & government reasons cannot say his real name).
Coconut & Raspberry!!!
The final one was based on one of my other creation. I will write a post on that soon, it was candy crunch ice cream, granola & strawberry compote. This was another good combination! Everything complimented each other and was well balanced! The chocolate wafer was the base followed by a smear of dark red strawberry coulis and followed by candy crunch ice cream and the chocolate wafer.  And would roll the outer layer in granola to order
All the sandwiches were served wrapped in wax paper to give a rustic look. I would say I was happy with the result and everyone liked it as well.
As always I never tasted my creation but my instinct said it was good and I followed it. It's sometimes good to follow it but sometimes it's also good to taste.
The sandwiches were a hit and were eaten by the patrons in the following days after that. For now these are the three flavors, but have been working on others and you guys will have to wait and be surprise to another crazy combination of flavors and textures. 
For now enjoy with the pictures and drool over it or go buy yourself one from your ice cream store! Hahaha!!!


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