Friday 1 March 2013

Me, My pig & Our barn!!!!

After a life threatening sickness, I am back! For all you morons out there, this post is not about pigs or barns or any animals, but I do live in a city where cows & pigs, or cats & dogs do think they are Victoria secrets lingerie models because at every corner of the city you are bound to see them standing & showcasing their beauty!
But that's not the point, this post is about a person who thinks she is the best and she knows it all. Got to say she is the best but doesn't know anything at all!
Well her real name is not piggy; that's a nickname given by me to her because she was one, I guess.
I got to meet my piggy say about 5 years ago when I went to Dubai to meet my beloved sister. The amazing journey started from there and we are still going strong through thick and thin times.
The love and bond we share is so deep that she wrote a poem about me.bloody hilarious but i guess she meant it when she was writing it!!!Funny!!!
Here we go: 

He's so simple", I thought to myself,
Little did I know, he was so complex.
Naming and teasing was his business,
Watching him everyday, made me fearless.

"Rigid as wood", I thought to myself,
He could do anything, he thought of himself.
Jack and Coke, was his favorite,
Watching him everyday, made me fearless.

"He's an insomniac", I thought to myself,
Whatever he spoke, was utter nonsense.
There was something in him, that was so sinless,
Watching him everyday, made me fearless.

"He's my friend now", I thought to myself,
There's gonna be no more pain, nor regrets.
For once, I knew someone so careless,
Watching him everyday, made me fearless.

"He's really funny", I thought to myself,
But doesn't really know how to take care of his health.
Talking to him was pure madness,
Watching him everyday, made me fearless.

"He's a brother I never had", I thought to myself,
Secure and protected is what I had felt.
Every single day, we had our moments,
Watching him everyday, made me fearless.

Like how a plant needs water,
Like how a church needs a preacher,
Like how a student needs a teacher,
Like how a sister needs a brother,
I need you.

We've had our talks,
We've had our moments,
We've had our arguments,
We've had each other.

No more do I need,
Since you have taken the lead.
Even though you're brainless,
Watching you everyday, made me fearless.

I haven't seen her in 5 years but the love and care still runs through and we miss each other everyday. I recently forgot her birthday and needless to say she was mad, but after days of convincing her she understood and she forgave me. She is a sister everyone should get and treasure for their life. I hope I get to see her soon and do all the fun stuff a big brother should do with her little sister and show how life is lived sometimes besides studying!
I would love to show her how to drink jack and coke, party like a rock star and how to be an ass, and make fun of others; that's what big brothers are for, aren't they?????
With all that said, she is still my piggy and I love her for who and whatever she is!
I love you piggy!! Her real name can't be revealed due to political and government issues! ;)
Enjoy this post for now!
 My Piggy!

Message from Piggy : 

It's usually difficult for people to understand the bond I share with my brother. 'Brother', is the word I proudly say because to me, it holds a very significant meaning. It's just not a word I throw around for no reason, cause let's face, that would be weird. At the moment, my fingers are just dancing around in the air, waiting to type something. What I feel is extremely hard to put in words, strange for a person who writes and reads so much. So, let's start off with the journey that started 5 years ago.
The first time I saw him, little did I know he'd become such an important part of my life. People who know me extremely well will tell you how rare it is for me to get close to people; extremely rare. With him, it was easy as A,B,C. This post is getting dramatic, I know. But hear me out.
People often say, 'Blood is thicker than water', and to that I say, 'Rubbish, and fuck you!'

Relationships are truly based on the comfort, and trust that you share with a person. They grow with love, care, and support. They last with understanding, more love, and undying support. Based on all these things, comes the bond. The bond my brother and I share. I love him to bits, and he's honestly a gift from God. I'm the only child and it gets hard sometimes, but knowing that there's something out there who's always there to listen to me, to look out for me, to comfort me, to understand me, and to make me laugh, extremely comforting. 

We've had our peaks and troughs throughout these years, and they've been fun. You know why..? Because they've become wonderful memories that I'll cherish forever.

Of course I miss our 3:00 am breakfasts, grocery shopping for frosties and ice-cream at 6:00 am, drinking big jugs of the best Oreo shake you'll ever taste (MADE BY HIM) and staying up all night long talking about things we don't even remember. But all we remember is a bond that grew from all those days and nights spent together..and the bond that will never break.

Cheers to all the brothers and sisters in the world. When life puts you down, just know that you have a shoulder to cry on. Let that thought comfort you.

I love you, D. You honestly do mean the world to me. Here's a little something more..

Little did I know I'd grown to love you so,
but here's something you always need to know,
I'm an angel who'll make your world glow,
and you're my bitch, so I'll never let you go.

The last few sentences says it all and what kind of relation we share!!!!

Oink Oink Oink!!!!

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