Monday 18 March 2013

Hazelnut cappuccino!!!!

Every Tom, Dick & Harry likes coffee these days; be it the different variety you get from cappuccino or espresso to coffee latte or macchiato. 
Personally, I'm not a big fan of coffee. I sometimes tend to have some cold coffee just to change the mood and that would be once in two weeks or even a month. But one person I know who loves coffee; cappuccino and not just any cappuccino, but cappuccino from Starbucks; hazelnut to be precise, and no other flavour. This person is such a maniac. Well, let's go no 
further and reveal this person's name... but I guess you got it right, it’s no other than my retarded sister, Dee (cannot reveal her real name due to political & government reasons). She really loves it, and drinks nothing else but that. Sometimes when I am with her, I take few sips from her and yes, it's good. It has that toasty, earthiness you get from the coffee and the hazelnut and having it hot just takes it to another level
The hazelnut cappuccino!!
So one day, I decided to make a dessert based on the hazelnut cappuccino that she likes so much, and dedicate something to her and say I made it just for her. In short I would say she was my inspiration for the dessert.  Making the dessert was not a hard task, but what components to put was a bit tricky as I wanted  different taste,  texture and mostly wanted it to look like the cappuccino she drank. I finally got the chance to make the dessert when I was giving my food trial where I am currently working. I was making a five course tasting menu and decided this was going be one of the dishes and I took the risk. Since it was my first crack at it, I decided I would keep it simple but yet classy and sexy!!! So I deiced to make a chocolate creamux at the base, followed by a coffee sponge and then followed by hazelnut panna cotta. To give the whole feel of someone having a cappuccino, I decided the dessert will be served in a coffee cup, and also added the milk frothing and put some granules of coffee and hazelnut atop.
With the cookie!!!
The dessert was made and it was time for the chefs to taste it. At first I was a bit edgy as to whether they would like it or not. But they loved the concept as well as the dessert. I was also happy with the final product, but I knew it could have been done better. So I made a point that I would re-create the dessert again and have it on our specials menu and that too a better and tastier version of it. 
Months passed by and i hadn't made the dessert and just couple of days ago I decided I wanted to add another dessert to the current menu and I knew what I was going to adding. So I said to myself, "I will add hazelnut cappuccino and will do it differently than what I did during my food trial". I decided to go with the same flavours, but change the texture of the components and present it the same way i did for my trial. This time, the base was a very soft chocolate panna cotta infused with hazelnut and coffee followed by the same coffee sponge, and then instead of the hazelnut panna cotta which i doneearlier, i decided to go with hazelnut ice cream. To give the idea that you are having a cappuccino or coffee, I decided to give a small cookie with it as you would get when you are actually having coffee.
The inner beauty!!!
The dessert was tasted by some of the morons at the restaurant and they loved it. For once, I was very happy with something I had made and it made me feel good. And I guess, since it was for my retarded sister, it also made me very happy. The texture and the flavour combination went so well that you could literally have an orgasm in your mouth. In short, it was a killer dessert and it made me very happy! It's on the menu now and I have gotten some positive feedback from the guests who've tried it.
I hope Dee is proud of the dessert as it was made for her, but the funny part is she hasn't tasted it yet. I guess she has to wait for it! 
Anyways thanks for reading the post and hope you enjoyed reading it. Have a great day and it's time now for me to go work and whip up something interesting!
Ciao bella!!!

1 comment:

  1. I just love this! And i am dying to try this dessert! Thank you bro!
