Monday 6 August 2012

From the fields of diamonds to water logged roads of Bombay

“Aa wan see you!” would be the sound of a lucky miner who just found a small glass like diamond in fields and wants you to see it. Not knowing what you are buying, it would be a big, big problem for you. I was born and raised in the small town of Kenema nestled near the big Gola forest of Sierra Leone, buying diamonds and selling them was the trade everyone wanted to do, but no one actually knew what harm and danger it  would  bring to the country and people.

As diamonds were literally readily available, the race for it got crazy! This would be later called as blood diamonds as the most outrageous war happened. In 1997, the local government headed by Teejan Kabha was overthrown by the rebels and seized control of the country. It was now bloodshed and fear everywhere.

In such a terrible event, we were left we no choice but to abandon the country I grew up and spent my childhood in. We crossed the border to Liberia and took the first flight to Mumbai via Delhi. After the 16 hours flight ordeal we reached Mumbai and my crazy sister and I to were ill for the next two weeks.
After a cray month or two, I joined a school in Mulund where my two cousin brothers studied. Little did I know that I was in for hell, and that the next couple of years would change my thoughts about India and her people.  I didn’t know what Mumbai had in store for us; it turned out to be a pretty crazy place!

As it was monsoon season, knowing nothing about the weather was not one’s mojo, as it rained like cats and dogs, the streets and roads would be filled with water, causing mayhem all over the city!
This is where my journey begins in the water logged roads of Bombay and it continued for five years.
More to come about my time in Mumbai as a kid.

Sunday 15 July 2012

A small start to greater things in life

Hey there, to whoever is reading this.

Boy, the first post(s) of new blog(s) is/are always hard to read..aren't they? Well, they're even more difficult to write. Like for now, I am struggling to fill up this empty blank space that's just gaping at me. So I think I could just give a quick, simple over view of what this blog's going to be about; EVERYTHING. Food, family, ideas, opinions, movies, technology, sports, you name it, and we've got it. Okay, we haven't really 'got it' yet, but will soon.

Give us more to talk about by leaving comments if you wish to, or else just bear with whatever we post, whenever we post.

This post was just to say hello to the new readers of this blog, and I'm hoping more readers will come around to read it when it's all up and running with awesome stuff.
And also, this little post is the start to greater posts in the future.

Stay safe.